Arthie Barter Inn

«a humanspace with no doors, no, just a shiny-airy skin.
A world of performance, beside international food+drinks.
A KioskGallery to bart and buy, the art of artists, we reach on tour.
The RoadRadio, stands for music, interviews and sounds.
Information, we will give away, to what has happen and what will be.
A grillstation will give warmth and heat for your soul and food.
And of course, nobody wants to miss, the traditional Taatoo performance by Arthie Barter, our grandfather, himselve..
But be aware,
when you enter the world of «Arthie Barter», you probably get lost in space,
it might happen, but no fear, it is called «arty barty syndrom».
But that all will end, as soon we leave the town.
(This crossover-mix is an old secret of our Grandfather himselve, who actually owns the space. He became famous in the 30`s, with the first crossover travelling performance road tour&& he always said, «never stop dancing, never again&»)»Quelle:, Zugriff vom 05.01.2018
«The Swiss-Project is called the Arthie Barter Inn, we will have a tent, inside there will be a bar and a kitchen, a live RadioStation and there will be our famous arty-barty-RoadKiosk:
we will export arty things from basel's artists, for example: cd's, audiotapes, t-shirts, super-8-films, videotapes, comics, little drawings, little objects etc. etc.
And we do not want to sell it; no, we want to barter this things for other selfmade cd's, audiotapes, t-shirts, super-8-films, videotapes, comics, little drawings, little objects etc. etc.
If you are producing cd's, audiotapes, t-shirts, super-8-films, videotapes, comics, little drawings, little objects etc.and you are interessed to barter your things for other arty stuff, so please, come around;»Quelle:, Zugriff vom 05.01.2018Quelle: Simon Bauer, "Öfter was Süsses! Gruppe Marzipan", in: Programmzeitung. Kultur im Raum Basel, April 2002, S. 10