186f Kepler

«186f Kepler is an art space without walls.»Quelle: kubaparis.com/kubaparis-in-the-interview-with-j..., Zugriff vom 11.08.2017
«In some ways the exhibition space or the fair stall is already somewhat dislocated from the city in which it exists and is linked more to past present and future incarnations of itself in other points throughout the world. Those spaces linked together create a new kind of virtuality that could be understood as a continuous interiority where one loses track of time and space. What links these spaces together is maybe the names by which we call them and perhaps also the people that we meet within them. People who might work there or be passing through those places in the same rhythm as we do. So does 186f Kepler seek to reproduce this kind of existence and its undefined borders in a more self-conscious way?» It's an excerpt of a text I wrote with the architect Sony Devabahktuni and I think it describes pretty good an atmosphere around 186f Kepler, or it's a good start. 186f Kepler tries to response to the intensity of the movings of the art world and its public, and to the hectic exchanges of the globalized information's flux; a network composed by an infinity of invisible connections, which centre would be impossible to locate geographically. Its structure reflects also what makes the particularity of Europe today, composed by a pendulum crowd, which constantly travels back and forth between its cities, which borders are even less clearly defined.Quelle: Interview mit Jeanne Graff, atpdiary.com/jeanne-graff-angelic-sisters/, 11.08.2017