@ Home

@ Home wants to activate an ethical question. How to live? How should every single person live in association with other persons; a surrounding which is, today, influenced by virtual realities to a great extent. How to understand and to create an adequate home?
Challenged by this, @ Home has founded a laboratory in order to work on this question. This is where the artists create their living space,@ Home. The reality of @ Home is developed by a constant fusion of questions and answers in connection with the present, as an expression of a dialectal dynamic between the «imagined» and the «realised». We open the eye of the imagination to create and communicate our personal utopic home. Our home becomes our medium, a place where our expression meets the public. We express ourselves at the moment of self-reflection. One could think that we are able to manifest our thoughts holographically.
@ Home is the story of a small group of neo-existentialists, who are looking for the way to the golden era.
@ Home seeks new ways of cooperation between persons, in a social reality alienated from itself, without crushing the essential.
@ Home is a constant working-, dreaming-, spinning-, and loving-place. That is how the quality of the cooperation of several individuals condenses and talks through its form, the furniture, the tools, the objects, the rituals and gestures. The lanscape and the archetypes of the story are thus formed by the constantly changing and manifest reality. The outsider can be a witness and a participant of this transformation and can actively be part of the sculpture-working-process. Every moment is real.
@ Home understands itself as a living, social sculpture, being crystallised out of a reality-creating art concept.
@ Home is a laboratory creating interfaces between the public and ourselves. At first, its hidden nature appears to be mysterious.
(Auszüge aus dem Mission Statement, Quelle: www.xcult.ch/ateliers/home/@HOME.html, Zugriff vom 9.8.2017)


«According to us, architecture means a basic matrix. Based on that are our physical, psychical and mental energetic interactions and how they develop and connect to the integrated as a whole; the atmosphere of @ Home. The architectural basis is divided into »yard«, »objectives« and »subjectives«; each has its own »functions« and »modules«. The »yard« is comprehensive. It is a space with an open heart. In this place, the integrals of the »homeies«, their »friends«, »partners« and »visitors« are manifested kaleidoscopicly. This is where the expression of the living sculpture can be experienced. The »yard« oscillates in its function as a »workshop«, »conference room«, »gym«, »playground«, »club«, »cabinet« and »dream-landscape«. In the »yard«, architypes of the story of @ Home are initiated and put into a concrete form. This space constitutes our energy converter and central interface towards the public. The »objectives« are the places to which we allocate our basic needs such as nutrition, hygiene, income, etc. In concrete, this includes an experimental kitchen, installations for physical and mental care, a digital laboratory, a studio for textile design, an institute for psychophysical research, a reception, a source of information as well as a place of storage. v The »subjectives« are the places which take care of the very personal needs of the »homeies«. We understand the »subjecitves« as regeneration-cells. »Functions« are useful installations and elements. An example would be the heater, the ISDN-connection and the bath tub. »Modules« are installations and elements in the function of mental- and perceptive-hinges; for example raised-hides, humidifier and soap-bubble machine. Above all, the »homeies« are the prime movers in this place.»Quelle: www.xcult.ch/ateliers/home/@HOME.html, Zugriff vom 9.8.2017Quelle: Strunk 2008, S. 229
«@HOME war ein Wohn- und Atelier-Experiment, das aus der Tradition der Werkraumidee hervorgegangen ist. Zwischen fünf und zehn Menschen lebten unter einem Dach, in offenen Räumen und ohne Türen. @HOME wollte Abgrenzungen sowohl innerhalb der Gemeinschaft und als auch gegenüber der Aussenwelt abbauen und damit Wohnen und Arbeiten in ein Experimentierfeld von Begegnungen aufgehen lassen. Die bewusst gestalteten und moderierten Kontexte für die Annäherungen von Menschen führten zu neuen Erfahrungen, Bildern und Möglichkeiten der Wahrnehmung. Diese CD-ROM beinhaltet gesammeltes Archivmeterial aus dieser Zeit zwischen 1995 und 2000: Texte, Bilder, Aussagen oder Rezepte sollen einen Rückblick ermöglichen und Denkanstösse für zukünftige Projekte geben.»Quelle: rainereisch.com/reportprojects/cd/cd/home.html(Quelle nicht mehr abrufbar per 9.8.2017)