Neue Galerie Luzern – Swiss Academic Association (NGL – SAA)

«The Neue Galerie Luzern – Swiss Academic Association (NGL – SAA) has created a new Node of the Planetary Collegium. The NGL-Node is based on the educational model of the Collegium which has proven its potential and efficacy in producing excellent research outcomes. In 2012 the Collegium won the a World Universities Forum Award for Best Practice in Higher Education. The United Kingdom's QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) code of practice is an integral part of the NGL research environment and a key measure of its quality in maintaining the high academic standards practised for 20 years in the Collegium.

The NGL – SAA [Neue Galerie Luzern – Swiss Academic Association] is an academic association and network founded and initiated by the Neue Galerie Luzern and its founder, René Stettler. With three people currently on the Board (Dr. René Stettler; Hanspeter Fischer, Architect HTL, Ennetbürgen; Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Claessen, Director Research & Development, Maxon Motor AG), the NGL – SAA promotes and realises cultural, scientific and future-oriented projects.»Quelle:, Zugriff vom 07.02.2019)


«Diskursorientiert. Am Anfang stand das Schlössli Götzetal in Dierikon (gegründet 1987(Quelle: Michelle Nicol: «Vo Lozärn gäge Wäggis zue. Reiseführer durch 104
zeitgenössische Kunsträume der Schweiz». In: Freie Sicht aufs Mittelmeer, Kat. Ausst. Zürich: Kunsthaus Zürich, 1998, S. 112)